Shipping and Logistics

Inga Schoebel
New Business

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Logistics costs are continuing to rise around the world – and global supply chains are struggling to keep up. This results in delays and disruptions for shipping companies.

Take demurrage and detention charges, for example: Between 2020 and 2022, average global D&D charges increased by 12%. And between the growing complexity of supply chains and external pressures, businesses are facing these fees more often today than just a few years ago.

This leads to delays in the release of containers and interruption of the transport chain, resulting in a production standstill or missing goods on the shelves.

Why use virtual cards for shipping and logistics?

The supply chain is becoming more expensive and complicated to manage.

But virtual cards fit the needs of day-to-day and on-the-ground payments for shipping companies in a few ways: They offer immediate payments that are fast, easy, secure and offering control functionalities while being widely accepted.

This makes them ideal for dealing with D&D charges, as they represent a predefined, flexible means of payment. A virtual card can be generated when needed to cover the charges.

What it means for AirPlus

This is a new vertical for AirPlus and we aim to become part of this sector supporting digitalization and offering payment guarantees and optimizing the financial supply chain for all involved participants.